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A member registered Dec 14, 2023

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Wow, thank you! My friend would be so happy to hear the news, bet he can't wait to play as a slime girl!

. . .

Quite a slime-obsessed fellow he is!

Anyway, I just love the game so much. It is probably one of the few that actually gives me that sense of progression. I can feel myself stronger with every upgrade and evolution. 

Although still getting my ass handed as of this writing, but soon enough my power fantasy will be fulfilled hahaha!

Again, really thank you for the free copies! (´◡`)

I'm completely mesmerized by the slimy pink lady in the game's cover, was what my friend said. He's quite a slime loving fellow.

Will there be any community copies soon? Asking for a friend.

Hey, it's me.

Yes, it's me. I'm the kind of person to ask for community copies.


May I ask for some community copies?

Could you ask the backside for cards as well? Similar to Galdor's Grip?

Today I just learned that blark gave our Meatheads some spells. 

I'm shaking (protein) and crying (manly tears) right now. I can't believe that blark has betrayed us by becoming a nerd. 

Come back to our brawny way, blark, it's not yet too late. We'll welcome you with open arms, triceps, biceps, deltoids, supraspinatuses, infraspinatuses.

Yay! I love generous game designers. They are my second most favorite thing. 

My most favorite thing is free stuff!!! $$$

Anyway, had a blast with the game in the past few hours. The rules in general are just excellently straightforward and I particularly like the time system. It adds some great depth to an otherwise simple game; and the downtime lets me incorporate some of my favorite journaling RPGs (Village Witch, Thousand Year Vampire, etc.) into the game. Also really appreciate the built-in oracles/tables and especially the diceless system, truly makes the game portable. I can already envision myself carrying the printouts all the time when traveling :) 

Excited for the expansion! Will definitely throw you some bucks once my paycheck comes. I may be broke but I'm by no means poor in the heart!

the game drew me in just by the cover alone. gave it a test run with google translate and immediately fell in love with the system

can't wait for a proper english translation!

Last night I suffered from sleep paralysis and this bastard devil knew about my tendency to be resourceful. So then he put me under the paralysis and kept whispering to my ear: "seedling just added some community copies to Procedures to Discover the Path Ahead."

As I was being put under a spell and couldn't move my body, I felt continuously tortured by the demon's words. The fact I cannot check whether the bastard lied or not, that there were new copies for Procedures to Discover the Path Ahead, it pained me.

And to put the final nail in the coffin, he showed me a vision of the copies being reduced to zero:

Community Copies

All copies claimed!

I woke up with sweat all over my body, I immediately searched for my laptop and took a look at Procedures to Discover the Path Ahead. Thankfully (maybe?), there were no news about another patch of community copies.

After this surreal experience, I think I might just straight up buy the thing instead of waiting for community copies.


Therefore, could I ask for some community copies...?

Hey, I just found this beautiful pocket game in the Solo Bundle and it immediately caught my eye. Unfortunately, I'm... broke...

So... if possible, can you hook this brother-in-need up with some free copies? I promise I'll tell all my friends how awesome the game is. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

(but only after the most-likely-won't-happen copies have run out of course, those sucker friends of mine have to pay for themselves 🥰)

Well, even if the answer is going to be no, thank you for listening to my shameless begging anyway. I guess I just have to pay for the game on a later day. 🥲

Ugh, I just hate developers like you the most.

It's the atrocities committed by those developers I despise, and you alone, that can never be reconciled. I am just utterly disgusted with them as a whole. There is not a single bound that lay untouched, all depravities conquered. I just want a reason as to why this kind of developer isn't detestable. The past couple of days I've gorged myself in morbid curiosity of this evil, and I am just sick. I just can't think clearly.

How dare you give away free copies of such an AMAZING game??!? Don't you value all the time and resources that went into creating this masterpiece? Is this some kind of joke? How could a sane individual, not to mention an extremely talented one at that, place so little value on their creation?!? If this work of art is considered worthless, as it is being distributed for free; then the Portrait of Mona Lisa should have just better been a toilet paper. Oh, maybe mocking and insulting geniuses of countless generations is fun to you? Do you take pleasure in disgracing the history and artistic value of mankind? Have great shame, as I consider you to be the source of all evil, the manifestation of extreme cruelty itself.

Tch, I just really hate people who undervalue their work. Tch, tch, really.

Anyway, really appreciate the free copy! I've been having a blast playing the book for the past few hours!

One problem I have with the game is the out-of-eyesight area and the viewing one contrast way too much. Moving around in unexplored areas, especially those with trees, gives me some really nasty headaches. So, I would like to suggest an option to adjust the brightness